My compadres, guys and gals, chicks and dudes, ladies and gentlemen, men and women, and people of all genders, who often come from different regional backgrounds and norms: Hear my plea.
Those of you from the South, who know how annoying it is for Yankees and Left-Coasters to come and tell us how things are, about our racism and our war and our Reconstruction, I would like to use that as an analogy/example of something else that many (not all) of you Southern guys like to do: Condescend to explain to us women things that we already know more about than you do.
Like rape. And domestic violence. And sexual harassment. And tokenism. And reproductive rights. And Title IX. And all these other aspects of the social contract that some of you seem to think you know better than women.
You know how when someone from New Jersey or California proceeds to tell you all about MLK and the Civil Rights movement and racism and states’ rights and all that crap, it’s really, really annoying? Because you know god-damned well that you’ve forgotten more than any Yankee/LeftCoaster knows about all of those things. My oldest girlfriend, who happens to be black, finds it particularly amusing when white people from San Francisco “explain” Southern racism to her.
Just for the sake of the argument and the analogy, we’ll call that “Yankee-splaining”.
Y’all know how irritating that is. As a white person, I find it particularly annoying; I daresay some POC would find it even more so, being the recipients of such condescension and—dare we call it, “Whitesplaining”, of racism.
Well, take all that, the levels of annoyance, and the fact that the more racism is denied, the more likely POC are to be attacked and killed with impunity, as a result of Yankee-splaining.
Mansplaining is the same, and even worse: Condescending Yankees who “’splain” things aren’t likely to engage in racist and violent acts against the people they claim to protect with their rich white liberalism.
By denying, ignoring and perpetuating misogyny, however, Mansplainers DO contribute to violence against women.
I love my good old boys who may not approve of my feminism or my Hillary 2016/Michelle 2024/Chelsea 2032/Malia 2040/Sasha 2048 bumper sticker, but who still nod, say “Ev'nin’”, and hold the door for me when I drop in at Monette’s to pick up a quart of milk.
There’s quite a few down this way who didn’t like Hillary Clinton, less b/c of her gender and more b/c of her class; but neither were they fooled by the Current Occupant, whom they recognized to be a classic conman. We Southerners know conmen, like we know snakes. And most of us feel safer with the latter.
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